Matthew Evans Four Hour Olive and Lemon Scented Leg of Lamb

Serves 4-6  – Recipe Sourced from Matthew Evans website

1 medium sized leg of lamb
about 10 fleshy black olives, pitted
about 6 cloves garlic, peeled
3-4 slices lemon
3 bay leaves
1/2 onion, diced
125 ml (1/2 cup) red wine

Cooking time: The clue is in the recipe name.

Preheat the oven to 150˚C.  Take the lamb from the fridge about 1/2 an hour prior to cooking, if possible.

Blend or pound the olives with the garlic until a coarse paste is formed, adding a little water if necessary.  Smear the lamb all over, particularly the fleshy bit that will face upwards.

Place in a large sealable pot (you can use a tray and foil, or even an oven bag, but a pot is best).  Lay the lemon slices over the lamb, and the bay leaves.   Put the onion, red wine and 125 ml (1/2 cup) water in the base of the pan and season the leg well with salt and pepper.  Don’t forget, however, that the olives will probably already be salty.

Put the lid on, pop in the oven, turn down to about 110C and cook for 3-4 hours, checking on occasion that the pan hasn’t dried out.  Add a splash more water if it does.  It should get more juices that drip from the lamb.

Serve the very tender meat with roast potatoes and a bowl full of peas.  Enjoy with a glass of Pfeiffer Shiraz.

Email us with your favourite recipe matched to your favourite current release Pfeiffer wine and we can share it with everyone.

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