Pfeiffer Wines Art Show People’s Choice Award Winner

The Pfeiffer Wines Art Show People’s Choice Award goes to….


Bernie Keleher with his work Pfields Of Gold!

Bernie said he was “over the moon” with his win and is “very fond of the wines at Pfeiffer Wines as well as the whole vicinity, the surrounds and the atmosphere”.


Bernie penned the following poem to summarise the conception of the piece:

I’ve crossed the bridge into acres of vines,

With old sheds, trucks and tractors of Pfeiffer Wines.

But how do I capture all this in one hit?

I need to arouse my imagination a bit?

So a glass in hand of pfine Pfeiffer wine

Transports me through seasons and time.

Pfeeling the warmth of the pfiery sun,

Pfinding pflavours, pfriendship and pfun,

My brushpfstrokes pfollow and unpfold

The ebb and the pflow of these pfields of gold.

With 131 votes cast for the People’s Choice Award by visitors to the Pfeiffer Wines Art Show, Pfields Of Gold  was a clear “pfavourite”.

Congratulations Bernie, we hope you enjoy your mixed case of “pfine” Pfeiffer wine.