Pickled Sisters Beef Bourguignon – Beef Cheeks Wahgunyah

Serves 4 – Thank you to Marion and Stewart Gilchrist from The Pickled Sisters Café for sharing this recipe with us.

4 beef cheeks, trimmed of any fat
4 slices pancetta, sliced and julienned
2 litres beef stock
2 tablespoons of Dijon mustard
400ml Pfeiffer Merlot
1 bay leaf
2-3 large carrots
16 sprigs of thyme
1 onion
½ bulb garlic, cloves smashed
4 celery sticks
4 field mushrooms quatered
16 golden shallots
4 washed potatoes

To start
Marinate the beef cheeks overnight in the red wine with the bay leaf, garlic and eight sprigs of thyme.

Peel and turn the carrots into small barrel shapes about 4cm long, reserving the peelings. Place the turned carrots and the peelings into cold water in 2 separate containers. You want 16 turned carrots.

Peel and turn the potatoes into small barrel shapes about the same size as the carrots. Again, keep the peelings and put the turned potatoes and the peelings in cold water in 2 containers (16 potatoes).

Julienne two of the celery sticks. Peel and roast the shallots in a little butter with a pinch of sugar. Now the hard work is done – the rest is easy.

Beef Cheeks
Place the marinated beef cheeks in a deep oven proof dish along with the wine and herbs (discard the garlic). Add the beef stock along with carrot peelings, the two remaining celery sticks, the onion (peeled and roughly chopped) and the mustard. Cover with a lid and cook in the oven for approximately 3.5 hours at 170˚C.

Meanwhile boil the turned carrots and potatoes in salted water until cooked.

When the beef cheeks are ready remove them from the stock and strain the liquid into a separate saucepan. Discard the vegetables. Bring the liquid to the boil, and over a medium heat reduce the liquid to a thick, sauce like consistency. Add the mushrooms to the liquid to gently cook. Once the stock has reduced, return the cheeks to the pot. Add the julienned celery, the pancetta strips, golden shallots, turned carrots and potatoes and heat through.

To Serve
Place the beef cheek in the centre of the plate and surround with the vegetables. Pour the sauce over the cheeks with the mushrooms and pancetta.  Garnish with the remaining thyme sprigs and enjoy with a glass of Pfeiffer Merlot.

Email us with your favourite recipe matched to your favourite current release Pfeiffer wine and we can share it with everyone.

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